Re: IRIX 5.2 Security Advisory

Bob Vickers (
Wed, 10 Aug 1994 12:09:00 +0100

The original advisory not only failed to explain the hole it also gave
completely useless advice for my configuration. I keep most of my books on CD
to save space, so the command 
	# versions remove sgihelp.books.ViewerHelp
didn't do anything, because all the files it wanted to remove were on the CD.

I only mention this because there may be others in the same situation.

+ Bob Vickers				+ E-mail:
+ University of London Computer Centre, + Phone:       +44 171-405 8400 ext 386
+ 20 Guilford Street,			+  (UK)	       0171-405 8400 ext 386
+ LONDON, WC1N 1DZ, England		+ Fax:	       +44 171-242 1845